SCANDESIGN is a high quality, fast and efficient Zirconia/PFM dental laboratory.

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SCANDESIGN crowns are made of ceramic material. They do not cause intolerance, ensure good gum integration and render better colors than other solutions.

We also offer Emax implants and produce Night Guards.

Our team consists of professionals whose primary aim is to make the best of Zirconia crowns with cutting-edge technology.


Our mission is to provide the best quality / price service to dental clinics. Our new positioning on the web allows us to deliver our Zirconia crowns across the country.

We offer personalized services worthy of your expectations to further the art of dentistry.


Anibal Harfouche (founder and CEO), has built his reputation in Montreal since graduating in 1986 as a dental technician. The SCANDESIGN team is able to understand your needs and give you efficient technical support.

We have the infrastructure and expertise to meet your needs and standards of the highest quality.

Our effectiveness is reflected in our production times of 7 working days across the country.

Promotions free!

with a monthly statement of $ 500 or more.

Enjoy free access to BookHD for each month with a statement of $ 500 or more at our lab.

Zirconia crows 285$ each
2 year warranty

To see our full price list, please contact us.

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By email

Or fill in the contact form below


By placing an order online, we will reach you within 30 minutes. (During opening hours)

Once you have received a message by phone or email, we will proceed to pick up your package. 7 business days are required to perform the work.

Note that it is possible to make an emergency shipment in a shorter period of time. (additional fees may apply)